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Redefine your experience

Travel Corporate Sustainability & much more...

“To Travel is to Live”
– Hans Christian Andersen

Krypton by
Stay Circle

Our modern Corporate platform, combined with the best customer service in the industry, keeps your employee travel swift and with ease.

From enhanced traveler experiences, to saving strategies, spend control, data visibility and more – we’re here to help you travel differently.

About US

We provide hospitality & marketing services to our Corporate & Travel industry Partners. We specialize in Hotels Sourcing, Hospitality Business Planning & Marketing Solutions. We have a wide network in hotels, guest houses & other hospitality service units across India & expanding. We intent to become One Point Solution for our Corporate & Hospitality Partners.

” With the hospitality industry’s diversity comes a wide array of trends that you, as a business owner, should consider when developing your strategies to stay on top of the game. We help you devising strategies to focus your Assets & Resources for best possible business outcome. “

 – Ankur Barthwal

” The hospitality industry,  online communities have changed the way businesses in the hospitality field interact with customers. Company websites, social media networks, and travel websites like TripAdvisor contribute to hospitality facilities’ take on transparency, leading to an improvement in the quality of services they offer. “

– Rajesh Choudhary

what we do

connecting with your need

Marketing & brand management

How your business communicates with consumers is crucial to success and often overlooked. Let our Stay Circle marketing veterans help your brand connect with customers in a way your competition will instantly notice, and envy. 

hotel & property management

Delivering high quality personal service, and leveraging the unique character of independent housing units, we create unique guest experiences, increasing guest satisfaction, and online reputation scores. And with our creative strategies and best practices we turn around hotels, guest houses and reposition them to outperform their competitors, to become local market leaders.

corporate hotel booking

 We measure the value of your corporate hotel rates against what is available in the market in real-time. Your travelers are increasingly looking at hotel rates across multiple channels and in real-time – comparing what they find against your company’s negotiated rates.

We offer you our pre-negotiated rates for the taliored bundle of package.

our team

we have the best to deliver you the best

We are a team of experienced professionals came together to bridge the gap between Corporate & Service Industry. The idea got seeded in a hotel cafe during discussion about the challenges Corporate face in today’s market. We started from offering corporate hotel booking with modified-American plan and now reached to a point where we are helping numerous small hotel owners in expanding their market and some of the market big players in sourcing their products. 

The Marketing Strategies developed by our team are picked up by other industries as well and we know sky is the limit for us.