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pricing policy

The fees to be charged for the Sales Assistance Services will be determined after arm’s length negotiations with reference to the prevailing market price (taking into account the location of the properties, the scope of the services and the anticipated market costs), historical transaction amounts and the fees charged by the property/activity for providing similar services to Independent Third Parties.

 Prices quoted to you at the time of your enquiry are correct to the best of our knowledge at that time. It is possible that prices may change before you actually book the Arrangements. We will advise you of any change in the price or error of which we are aware at the earliest opportunity before you book with us. We reserve the right to make changes to and correct errors in prices at any time before we receive your booking request. Once we have received your consent of Booking then subject to these booking conditions, the price will not change. Should the number of people increase on the day or scope of service changes. You will be required to pay for the extra cost, and will be invoiced after the activity/ event. Once your agreed booking request has been received then, subject to these booking conditions, the price will not change.

The Next Generation of Travel Technology

Every phone call  or email to our travel desk is equally important to us, so you can be assured of quick and efficient services. Our employees are strategically located across India and each of them is dedicated to providing clients with superior level service, while catering to their varying needs.

Floor 15, Ocus Quantum
Sector 51, Gurugram
Haryana – 122003

+91 – 81308 65050


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